Contradictions Everywhere in Sign SoundbitesA couple of friends decided to attend the Tea Party held at the SC Statehouse the other day. While I understand their frustration with whats going on in America, they probably shouldn't be standing next to each other.
The guy on the left is apparently upset that some folks aren't able to gather the money to pay their bills properly. I can appreciate that. What he fails to recognize is that the nice man in the middle doesn't mind if America's largest companies die on their own swords of mismanagement and greed. This is the great dilemma of it all.
If a ginormous company falters and leaves a person without an income, then how does the jobless one pay his mortgage or even the heat bill?
Further still, the man on the left obviously has a mortgage on his home. I'm assuming this because his verbiage of "pay your '
own' mtg." Apparently he is hard working as well as fortunate. Having said this, someone should ask him how would he pay his payment if he was fired.
Anyway, I'm sure these fine men feel like they got their points across. The dilemma is that they're cancelling each other out. Enter our nation's 'Catch-22.'