Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Old Columbia Homes Can Punish Wi-Fi

If you know me (or Jennifer), or have read this blog a few times, you're probably aware that before we were married, I purchased a house in the first block of Shandon. It's old, brick, and has a deep footprint, to say the least. Well, it's so long, and has so many bricks, and so many walls filled with concrete and plaster, that our WiFi coverage doesn't extend from back to front. As you can imagine, it's been a constant battle.

Today, we set out to change this problem with a quick trip to BestBuy. As we were all set to purchase another 'booster,' or 'extender,' the salesperson sold me on the supposed fail safe product in the pic above. Given it's an Apple product, I had no problem paying for a product we'd have complete confidence in. Fast forward to 1:44AM, and we're back to a six or seven year old Linksys. Ugh.

To be fair, I'm confident the Apple router is experiencing "User Error." That said, thank you for bearing with me while we mess with technical difficulties.

I'll be back at the office tomorrow with no problems, and hopefully by tomorrow night, our old box of bricks will be glowing with new WiFi.

Thank you! FJ.

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