Schools and businesses were closed, TV shows were interrupted, local beat reporters were sent to the outskirts of the county and the city's emergency response nerve center was all booted up. It rained.
I don't know how much the local news meteorologists but they got avalanched tonight on social media sites like Facebook.
They certainly do their own research, but I have to think that they have to rely on national weather experts for their information. Huge amounts of money must be spent to prepare for a snowstorm and enormous amounts of work hours are lost as businesses and schools are cancelled. On the other hand grocery stores are packed. After everthing is accounted for, I'm sure it's a huge net loss.
Sunday's entire 11pm news broadcast (except for a few minutes of Gamecock sports) was prepared in anticipation for the big snowstorm. It didn't happen. I feel sorry for the local "messengers" that report the news.
Columbia's kids are dissapointed but this is a good lesson in 'Safety First!'
Welcome the world post Katrina. The same weather people would have been lambasted if they predicted rain and it snowed.
That's why I kept my comments as fair as I could. I felt like I had to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Still...Columbia's public couldn't help but make the local weathermen Monday's watercooler talk.
Tons of commerce was lost and families were displaced, but remember...Safety First! :-)
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