Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thank You, Blogger! Hello, WordPress!

Well hey there!  Sorry for the profile style pic, but given the subject matter, I couldn't think of anything else to put up there. 

If all goes as planned, tonight will be my last post on the Blogger product.  If my project manager pulls this post to the new site, it'll also be the first post you see on the new blog.

To be honest, this is a bittersweet move.  This was one of the first real estate blogs in Columbia, and may be the oldest as many Realtors have long since terminated theirs.  Further, it's given me an outlet to expand on thoughts about whatever I could think of from midnight until around 2AM, three days a week since 2007.  I've typed about everything from local and national politics, USC/Clemson, The Junior League of Columbia, TV shows, holidays, the invention of sweet tea elixers, beach trips, clever stuff, dumb crap, Columbia neighborhoods, my wife, my daughter, my late wife, countless listings, and all things in between. 

As time consuming as a blog can be, I'm 100% certain it's produced results.  Further, it's provided a major platform to develop our brand of real estate. 

While I hate to seem dramatic, I can't tell you how many hours have gone into this thing.  Typing, moving commas, choosing pictures, changing pictures, setting up links, proofreading, and on and on.  Thinking on it a minute, the blog may be the most time consuming part of my entire business.  Hmmm.. 

As I've typed before, the new platform will provide more tech options and provide a Google boost.

So, with that, here goes.  If you've been visiting via or have this as part of your "favorites," I first need to, 'Thank You!!!"  Second, if you'd like to keep on reading about what we're doing, it's time to go directly to

Hopefully this will be a smooth transition.  We switched the URL feed on earlier this afternoon.  Either way, whether you're a regular reader or occasionally find us on Google, I'll see you on the other side.

Thank you!

Franklin Jones
Your Realtor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.