Monday, June 7, 2010

As Always, Vote Early and Often! :)

Confused GOP Has Clear Choice for Lt. Governor
While this year's race for governor has turned into a hybrid version of Jerry Springer, a raunchy soap opera, and a cut-throat reality show, many voters are still asking questions. Contrarily, in my bias, there is no question who should receive the GOP nomination to replace Andre as Lt. Governor: Eleanor Kitzman

Eleanor and I met when I was employed at Leon Jones Insurance, where we became friendly competitors as she owned the very popular Driver's Choice Insurance. Later we served on a 'working group' at the Department of Insurance, where we worked towards a more perfect auto insurance enforcement and reporting system. It was during this time that Eleanor was chosen to be the Director of the SC Department of Insurance. No small job, I assure you.

On the credentials side, Eleanor is far and away the candidate of choice. As the former owner of a statewide company, Driver's Choice, combined with her experience as director of a state agency arguably make her more than qualified to deserve the GOP's nomination for Lt. Governor.

Superior credentials notwithstanding, I'm suggesting that you vote for Eleanor because I know her well. She wants the job and will work tirelessly for a more perfect Palmetto State.

If you're voting in the Republican primary, aren't convinced on a candidate and trust my judgment, I encourage you to consider voting for Eleanor. She's a top shelf talent that will make Republicans proud.

If you are voting for Eleanor and/or trust my judgment regarding personalities and politics, don't hesitate to click the "Share This" tab in the right hand corner of this blog or your Facebook page. ReTweets are also appreciated!

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